lunes, 11 de abril de 2016



The program Open McDonald's, born to give frequent customers of McDonalds, known as the business based on a policy of openness, transparency and dialogue operates. A great experience to know in detail all the components that make Mcdonalds restaurant food quick service number one in the world.

 My Experience McDonald's

On Thursday, April 7, 2016, we received the invitation of McDonald's open house at the branch of Via Cinquantenaire diagonal Jimmy's Grill, against Atlapa.

The aim of this visit is to know the procedures, standards, organization and way to manage a fast food restaurant like this, we can say one of the most important around the world.

Within the tour we saw step by step from bodegfas storage and cold rooms, preparation of soda, standards for the cooking of food, to the order of the empeadoas and recreational space. We could also ask different questions on how to ran the place, myths about food, and specific details. at the end we were invited to take a survey, share a video and select any dish in your menu without cost.

It really is an experience I personally recommend whether we like it or not, or whether we study a related career; as it is important to gain knowledge about the fast food that is more and more empowered in our world.


The hazard analysis and critical Control points (HACCP or HACCP, for its acronym in English) is a systematic preventive process to ensure food safety, logically and objectively. Be applied in food industry although it is also applied in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and in all types of industries that manufacture materials in contact with food. In it are identified, evaluated and prevent all risks of contamination of the physical, chemical and biological products throughout all processes of the supply chain, establishing preventive and corrective measures for their control to ensure the safety.
In 1959 he started the development of HACCP, being the pioneers of the same company Pillsbury together with NASA and laboratories of the United States Navy. The initial process was a system called modal failures and effects analysis (FMEA), whose utility lies in the study of causes and effects that produce.
The HACCP was born with the objective of developing systems that provide a high level of assurance about the safety of food and replace the time quality control systems based on the study of the end product not contributing too much security. At the beginning your application did not have much success and the impetus given by the administration of drugs and food (FDA) had no impact. In the years 80 institutions worldwide boosted its application.  Including the World Health Organization.


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