lunes, 21 de marzo de 2016



(Comida S.A.)


The way we eat has changed in the last fifty years than in ten thousand, but focused on the U.S. market, the image used to sell food is the same with its agrarian form; photo show the pastoral fantasy and impact the mind of the consumed. Supermarkets averages are approximately 47,000 products; many of these regardless of the seasons as tomatoes that actually only grow up to be green and forced to mature with ethylene, only the idea of as it is a tomato.
Same with meats and chickens, industry doesn't want to really know where is extruded products, already to the multinationals to maximize its production change ranches and farmers by machinery and giant industries with Assembly lines, this power can be dangerous because they controlled from seed to final product.
It can be said that all started with the fast food, often do not know where it comes from or as do the industries. In the Decade of the 1930s begins a new era of restaurants, the brothers Mc Donalds, which they innovated with the self service; soon became so efficient that they started to cut staff to lower costs, leave of waitresses of auto and simplified menu, also trained employees that do the same thing over and over again; This food had good flavor and was very cheap. This way of power on a large scale is dangerous  because they need the products to know as always and everywhere, so alter the products; other industries take that example and sometimes doesn't matter if eaten at a restaurant fast or another because industries have already modified the process and there are few industries that handle worldwide trade.
An example of course is what they do with the chicken, before an adult chicken ready to eat remained 70 days on the farm, but the industries have shortened the time nearly in half (48 days) and have changed the color and unified the size. Today the farmers do not control their chickens, if not machined from the sale the hen egg until it reaches consumers.
Almost all of the products we see in the market, distinctly use and in different forms have components of corn syrup scientifically processed, since corn serves as cheap raw materials to complement them, and not only that also chickens, pigs and cows are fed with this grain cheaper and produced in huge scales; and while cows are not biologically created to eat only corn, today scientists adapted their metabolism.

There are a number of cases of people affected by poor nutrition which have caused you diseases such as the two-year boy who dies after eating a hamburger that you transmitted e. coli. There are also a number of laws and people struggling for the mishandling of food that is reflected in the high rates of diseases like diabetes from children and that probably if not see makes a stop can become an epidemic disease becoming one of two people.
Sometimes only there are joining as consumers that most are those who bring money, thanks to the necessity, for acquiring these foods; You should be required good product so good producers may be pressed and provide us a good product to feed ourselves. Everyone can vote to change this system, three times a day, buying or preparing healthy food companies that treat their employees, your product and the environment with respect. When you go to the supermarket choose seasonal produce, organic food, investigate what their food contains, read labels, know what they are buying.

An average food travels approximately 1500 km from the farm to the supermarket, so best buy locally produced products, shop at farmers markets, cultivate some products in your own garden although it is small, Cook a meal with his family and they eat together, we all have right to eat healthy foods, make sure that the school their children can provide healthy food , when you get food from farmers ask to see stamp that gives the Government to inspect the site and finally if you pray, ask for prayers to obtain more foods that keep us healthy and the planet; that is the work of nature and we are stealing it. Everyone can change the world with every bite


This film really gives us a very successful look at what is our reality, maybe not in the gigantic scale of a country as developed and inhabited as the United States, but very close to this reality and in a near future of equality process.
This is a reality that we are living all by different routes, little time to develop to the maximum our needs more important such as feeding us and reach the objectives of nurture, or a low economy that does not allow us to get the best food; for these excuses of mediocrity there are no valid reasons, since we can start to organize ourselves to develop some products ourselves and cultivate in our small garden.
Finally, we must strive to give us the pleasure of enjoying good nutrition and provide them the best way our children and new generations; and is not enough to just say: good reducer the fast food when really required very few times in life, is true with something begins, but the problem is to give power to the mega companies that stopped seeing our food as something delicate and simply see us as business.
To conclude, I think that we are robbing him somehow wonderful method of nature to evolve products for us. And yes, it is difficult to let the pace at which we live, in that many were born and others grew; but it is in our hands and if we want to we can!


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