martes, 29 de marzo de 2016






Invictus is a true film of sporting drama of the year 2009, directed by Clint Eastwood and starring Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon. The story is based on the book by John Carlin, the human factor. It's about the events in South Africa before and during the Rugby World Cup in 1995, organized after the dismantling of apartheid segregation system. Freeman and Damon embodied to South African President Nelson Mandela and Francois Pienaar, the captain of the Springboks.
Invictus was released in the United States on December 11, 2009. The title may be translated from latin as "undefeated" or "Invincible", and is the title of a poem by William Ernest Henley English.

  ·        Synopsis

President Mandela, played by Morgan Freeman, is aware that the nation is still divided by the aftermath of Apartheid and the need to unite population: white and black. Mandela believes that I could unite the country through a universal language: sport. He decides to support the rugby team when it takes part in the World Championship in 1995, despite their little chance of winning.



·        ·        Choice of the President

In 1995, in South Africa, they choose democratically President Nelson Mandela; This becomes a leader by the followers have in large quantities and Democrat leader because thanks his fans through democracy, becomes President.

·        ·        Meeting with the staff the first day in office as President

He is a President that develops much human and honest communication with its staff, example taking into account small details, waving to everyone or remembering things from his subordinates to give him confidence.
This shows up as a leader in many aspects, in addition to the above, he meets with his new team to arrive in a more humane way and gain confidence; It explains briefly and clearly that you need them as a team that develops the most abilities and justifies them by mentioning them the aim where you have to get.

·        ·        Difference of bodyguards

In his quest to unite the people in their differences, it starts with little things like join two groups of different skin color so that they work together as a team and begin to give an example to society.

·        ·        Presence at the meeting to decide the future of the sport

The President is angry because the Board of Directors of sports brings together a group of people to discuss the future of the Springboks team (Rugby - sport), since always have hated it for different reasons such as the difference in the color of the skin, because they always lose and carry colors representative of his country.
Decides to become at this time a leader autocrat positive if people do not follow him, just as he is the Chairman and you can do it; without however it what you looking for is people to change their way of acting for a better country.
Despite the fact that his assistant tells him that he can risk his leadership, he contradicts you explain to him that a leader ceases to be when not it risks a goal to meet; that no matter big facts, if small is alcazar greater success after the great.
He refers to this peacefully and explaining to his approval, is to manipulate them to get the facts he considers good, and is it; the minority of the inhabitants of the country are white and are against the ideals, but love that sport, by what the President decides strategically supports the team and win the trust of whites, this being the only connection he considers effective.
Although only gets 10% approximately of total votes, stays lively and asserts that it is profit, at least someone believes in what he says and that is good to have minorities, more toun if they have great power over the other territories. It a strategy rather than policy, human.

·        ·        Dressing room, after a lost game.

In Rugby is Germany 42 and South Africa 20. At the end of the game all the team discouraged by the loss will dressing room, the wizard offers beers but they are totally annoying. The captain tries to cheer them giving a beer to each to provide and encourage them with a few encouraging words to promise never to fail; discouragement is so large that it ends with a violent reaction by pulling beer, everyone follows them. For better or for worse is a leader.

·        ·        Guardian back Guide to the captain of the Rugby team

While guardian of President back Guide to the captain of the Springboks (Rugby) says you that likes to follow the President, that is a leader because he does not make them see invisible as is the case with other former Presidents, and that he remembers important data, when you have the opportunity to use those data to ask or make a gesture of gift that makes them know that it is for them.

·        ·        The captain of the team taking tea with the President

The Chairman asked the captain what is their philosophy of leadership and this responds to inspire his team the tries to lead by example, but the President explains that it is more difficult to motivate them and that sometimes the work of others helps to motivate the rest. The captain also tells that it inspires them with a song before a game, the same as always.
The President asks him to be inspiration that motivates the rest of the team and to be able to get the win so everyone join in the same language.

·        ·        Motivation of the team

The President developed a series of activities which, together with Captain, help the team inspired and back to believing in them, for example to play with children from very humble people, write a poem to the captain, learning the names of all players and congratulate them one to one on a visit to one private training, among others. This has a double meaning and is the nation sits together for a reason.

·        ·        Bodyguards play Rugby

While the President on his part and the players in the Springboks team on the other are taken the time to watch the game between two different teams, where he who wins will play with the Springboks; the guardian backs carrying not (black and white) playing Rugby as a great team. The President makes the proviso that is precisely what he was looking for support to the team that the nation and put aside differences.

·        ·        Last game, decisive the winner of the 1995 Rugby World Cup

In this scene we see two types of participatory leadership approach, on the one hand President Nelson without being directly within the game practice the motivation to achieve and against splitting see to the captain of the springboks that apart from motivate with all of their efforts until the end and at times more difficult; also it gives the example participating and showing their great motivation to serve it to the other members of the team.


The film shows the development of all types of leadership in different characters, for example, we can say that President Nelson Mandela has on different occasions all types of leadership according to the occasion; It also enables others become the leaders; This means that apart from being an excellent administrator is also a great leader of the 21st century.
This great character teaches the development of a good administrator because it seeks the common good, has control, scope of control unit, delegated functions according to performance, division of labor and support chain; all these aspects are traditional principles of administration. The functions of administrator from plan strategies to the same control develops in the same way. Finally, within management skills, human relations skills, develops perfectly without leaving behind the others.
Mr. Mandela is also a clear example of leader today, as we highlight above, because it develops a series of activities that give it such a title, such as: Guide, delegate tasks, participate, has followers, well chosen by them, and develops their influences, compassionate, talkative, and dedicated. Among its limitations as current leader we see the balance of life and work.
Among its strokes of personality we see that it has confidence in itself, flexibility, sensitivity to others, stability and intelligence. Within the strokes that maintain the leadership we can say that it complies with all (power, membership, and achievement)
I personally conclude that the film is very interesting, but more than that leaves a number of lessons that must be met to be better, reach goals and meet the goals both in volver life and work. It is certainly one of the best films of example where motivation can turn the tide of what is believed to be impossible.


I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul...

Nelson Mandela

lunes, 21 de marzo de 2016



(Comida S.A.)


The way we eat has changed in the last fifty years than in ten thousand, but focused on the U.S. market, the image used to sell food is the same with its agrarian form; photo show the pastoral fantasy and impact the mind of the consumed. Supermarkets averages are approximately 47,000 products; many of these regardless of the seasons as tomatoes that actually only grow up to be green and forced to mature with ethylene, only the idea of as it is a tomato.
Same with meats and chickens, industry doesn't want to really know where is extruded products, already to the multinationals to maximize its production change ranches and farmers by machinery and giant industries with Assembly lines, this power can be dangerous because they controlled from seed to final product.
It can be said that all started with the fast food, often do not know where it comes from or as do the industries. In the Decade of the 1930s begins a new era of restaurants, the brothers Mc Donalds, which they innovated with the self service; soon became so efficient that they started to cut staff to lower costs, leave of waitresses of auto and simplified menu, also trained employees that do the same thing over and over again; This food had good flavor and was very cheap. This way of power on a large scale is dangerous  because they need the products to know as always and everywhere, so alter the products; other industries take that example and sometimes doesn't matter if eaten at a restaurant fast or another because industries have already modified the process and there are few industries that handle worldwide trade.
An example of course is what they do with the chicken, before an adult chicken ready to eat remained 70 days on the farm, but the industries have shortened the time nearly in half (48 days) and have changed the color and unified the size. Today the farmers do not control their chickens, if not machined from the sale the hen egg until it reaches consumers.
Almost all of the products we see in the market, distinctly use and in different forms have components of corn syrup scientifically processed, since corn serves as cheap raw materials to complement them, and not only that also chickens, pigs and cows are fed with this grain cheaper and produced in huge scales; and while cows are not biologically created to eat only corn, today scientists adapted their metabolism.

There are a number of cases of people affected by poor nutrition which have caused you diseases such as the two-year boy who dies after eating a hamburger that you transmitted e. coli. There are also a number of laws and people struggling for the mishandling of food that is reflected in the high rates of diseases like diabetes from children and that probably if not see makes a stop can become an epidemic disease becoming one of two people.
Sometimes only there are joining as consumers that most are those who bring money, thanks to the necessity, for acquiring these foods; You should be required good product so good producers may be pressed and provide us a good product to feed ourselves. Everyone can vote to change this system, three times a day, buying or preparing healthy food companies that treat their employees, your product and the environment with respect. When you go to the supermarket choose seasonal produce, organic food, investigate what their food contains, read labels, know what they are buying.

An average food travels approximately 1500 km from the farm to the supermarket, so best buy locally produced products, shop at farmers markets, cultivate some products in your own garden although it is small, Cook a meal with his family and they eat together, we all have right to eat healthy foods, make sure that the school their children can provide healthy food , when you get food from farmers ask to see stamp that gives the Government to inspect the site and finally if you pray, ask for prayers to obtain more foods that keep us healthy and the planet; that is the work of nature and we are stealing it. Everyone can change the world with every bite


This film really gives us a very successful look at what is our reality, maybe not in the gigantic scale of a country as developed and inhabited as the United States, but very close to this reality and in a near future of equality process.
This is a reality that we are living all by different routes, little time to develop to the maximum our needs more important such as feeding us and reach the objectives of nurture, or a low economy that does not allow us to get the best food; for these excuses of mediocrity there are no valid reasons, since we can start to organize ourselves to develop some products ourselves and cultivate in our small garden.
Finally, we must strive to give us the pleasure of enjoying good nutrition and provide them the best way our children and new generations; and is not enough to just say: good reducer the fast food when really required very few times in life, is true with something begins, but the problem is to give power to the mega companies that stopped seeing our food as something delicate and simply see us as business.
To conclude, I think that we are robbing him somehow wonderful method of nature to evolve products for us. And yes, it is difficult to let the pace at which we live, in that many were born and others grew; but it is in our hands and if we want to we can!


martes, 15 de marzo de 2016






It is a story where a teacher looking to teach his disciple decides to apply the teachings with real facts by visiting the poorest village in the region.
To be in the village, head to find the poorest housing; This House was in a critical state of poverty where living 8 people who dressed and smelled unpleasant, its interior and self-esteem was well below the usual by the situation of life they led and the only thing that separated them from the total lipidia was a poor Skinny Cow and producing minimum ration of milk corresponding to all the sustenance of that family.
The two missionaries take lodging that night, and the next day very early teacher leads students near the animal, without thinking twice and let that student can even say a Word, the teacher takes a dagger which carried with him and cruel way killed the animal; the young student did not understand the teaching.
After a year the teacher brings back to the young man to the same place, to his surprise housing was not in its place stood a larger House and without believing it the young man approached the House and saw out of the same house the same man of that extreme poverty; This I ask you what had happened and said: after our precious animal died we had to do something to not to die of hunger, then clean the patio and planted some seeds; soon be performing that task we realized that got more vegetables than we needed, at the beginning we sold them were our neighbors and soon we had to sell to the nearby supermarket. With that income, we could change our way of life, food, clothing, and to gradually build a better House.


1. What about cows?

u Excuses
u Ideas of conviction
u Irrational thoughts
u Fears
u False beliefs
u Justifications
These can take shape and different sense, but continue to be cows; i.e. continue leaving the goals.

2. Types of cows

u The cows "justifying of mediocrity"
u The cows "the fault is not mine"
u The cows of false beliefs
u Cows seeking to excuse the inexcusable
u The cows of the importance
u The philosopher cows
u The cows of self-deception
u The cows "gifts of others."

3.  Like killing cows

u Began by explaining that cows do not exist in reality (literally speaking of an animal in our lives), are only in thought, hosted in our minds and are never physical limitations. Therefore not have to see the term "kill" as something macabre, but rather as a synonym for the word undo
u Cows die when we break in myth, face and accept the reality or change our false ideals by real-world skills.
u Key to kill the cow: action.
u Steps to kill cows:
·         Identify the cow.
·         To determine the beliefs that this represents.
·         Make a list of all the negative things that you are representing the presence of these cows.
·         Make a list of all the positive results that will come as a result of killing cows.
·         It defines new patterns of behavior.

4.  A life free of cow

u When we kill our cows accept all responsibility for your success. We become the architects of our own future.
u Winners, without cows, are not only participating, but they are totally committed to its objectives. Do not allow to enter cows.


"The real enemy of success is not failure, as many people think, but the conformity and mediocrity".

We must always fight for what we want, and if on the way to achieve the goals suffer limitations or discouragements, we should not justify us, if not resolve conflicts encourage us.
This book leaves us countless teachings of way identify you, because we all have different cows, importantly, discover them and re routed our direction, because we are still in time.


Dr. Camilo Cruz, award-winning author and international bestseller of more than 30 works, is one of the Latin speakers of higher demand in the United States and Latin America. Its dynamism and versatility and style highly informative and humorous at the same time, have become an orator of great acceptance in multiple audiences. For more than two decades he has been considered in many business circles in the United States, Europe and Latin America, one of the highest in the field of personal development, business excellence and leadership.

His accomplishments are an example of the entrepreneurial spirit that he shares in his seminars. The eldest son of a couple of teachers in primary school, Camilo emigrated to the United States in search of the American dream; He succeeded, and now shares with his readers strategies that help them to make their dreams a reality. He holds a Ph.d. in science from Seton Hall University, a master's degree in creative writings of the National University of Colombia, and he is a graduate of program liability corporate of the school of business from Harvard University. Dr. Cruz has served as University Professor at several universities in the United States, where he has taught physics, quantum, thermodynamics, chemistry and mathematics.

Whether through the leadership workshops offered for groups of a couple of hundred attendees or mega motivational events attended by more than twenty thousand people, Dr. Cruz has trained and trained leaders at every level: from executives of companies from the Fortune 500 to educators, entrepreneurs group, students and business leaders. Among those who have benefited from his teachings are people from companies like Goodyear, AT & T, Telmex, Walmart and Coca Cola, leaders of Chambers of Commerce, educational institutions and professional associations in the United States, Europe and Latin America. < because >

As a writer, Dr. Cruz stands out with more than thirty books and audiobooks, international best-sellers with more than two million readers around the world in 15 languages to which it has been translated. His book the cow received the Latino Book Award and the Business Book Award for the best book of personal development in Spanish. His articles and reviews have been published in some of the most important newspapers and magazines in the United States and Latin America, among them: La Opinion in Los Angeles, El Diario La Prensa in New York, El Tiempo, América Economía and the Fortune magazine. He is frequently invited to a large number of radio and television programs on CNN, NBC, Univision, FOX, Telemundo, Frecuencia Latina, TV Azteca, international RCN and Caracol Internacional, where he shares his philosophy on how to achieve success.





martes, 8 de marzo de 2016



Beefeater Restaurant Programme

The White Label Restaurants Microworld is business simulation for teaching that can be used by individuals or small teams. It plays out business performance over a time-scale that is long enough to experience the complexity of strategy and decision-making. Teams control strategy by making a small number of key decisions, and can progress through the simulation at their own pace, trying alternatives and saving scenarios.



