martes, 2 de febrero de 2016



  1. QUALITY: Is a basic tool for an inherent property of anything that allows it to be compared with any other of the same species. The word quality has multiple meanings. In basic form, refers to the set of inherent in an object properties that confer capacity to meet needs, either express or implied. On the other hand, the quality of a product or service is the perception to the customer is the same, it is a mental fixation of the consumer assumed pursuant to that product or service and the same capacity to meet their needs.                                               
  2. ADMINISTRATION: The Administration is the social science which aims at the study of organizations and the technique charge of the planning, organization, direction and control resources (human, financial,materials, technology, of the knowledge, etc.) a Organization , in order to obtain efficiency or maximum possible benefit; this benefit can be social , economic or strategic, depending on the purposes pursued by the organization.                                                                
  3. RESOURCES: A resource is a source or supply from which benefit is produced. Typically resources are materials, energy, services, staff, knowledge, or other assets that are transformed to produce benefit and in the process may be consumed or made unavailable. Benefits of resource utilization may include increased wealth, meeting needs or wants, proper functioning of a system, or enhanced well being. From a human perspective a natural resource is anything obtained from the environment to satisfy human needs and wants. From a broader biological or ecological perspective a resource satisfies the needs of a living organism (see biological resource).

( By Rogelio Edwards)


  1. Quality = Calidad
  2. Administration = Administracion
  3. Resources = Recurso
  4. Brand = Marca
  5. Franchise  = Franquisia
  6. Chain = Cadena
  7. Consumer = Consumidor
  8. CEO (Chief Executive Officer) = Presidente de la empresa



(Jinggles = music music as part of the corporate image)



Classification evolutions of the touristic consumer



Balanced Scorecard

Balanced Scorecard is a matrix to control the achievements in four prespectives.


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