martes, 23 de febrero de 2016







Typology of Customers

Annex C: typology of customers
Type of customer
How to take care of it
Avoid error
Noted, contradicts the seller to be knowledgeable.
Listen, accept their opinions, and be patient and attentive.
Not to contradict it or make angry.
Impatient and restless: Watch the watch much.
Attentive to your order, not more than three product options. Be quick.
Do not interrupt it, be brief and self-confident.
It seems to have all the time in the world to talk, move and eat.
Calm, repeat descriptions repeatedly.
Avoid being abrupt and not to press it. Be patient.
It seems new in place or may not be local.
Show confidence in you and the product, give you abundant but simple information.
Don't ask much.
It argues, requires reasons, speaks strong, is sarcastic and is unhappy.
Keep the calm ye l good mood leaving it to talk with patience.
Staff do not take your sarcasm and don't discuss, promise you to meet their claims.
Absent, it seems not to hear.
Prove your interest and curiosity, is skillful and concentrate.
Do not interrupt the sale descriptions.
It seems to not understand and just answer. It is shy and distrustful.
Look for positive answers, explain the menu in a different way.
Do not lift the voice repeated, brief.
Bummer that it not always consumes.
Listen with sympathy but is merchant.
Avoid discussing personal matters.
You need opinions of third parties to say that order.
Tips and information that will make you discover your need.
Don't leave the customer.

Anexo C: Tipología de clientes
Tipo de Cliente
Manera de atenderlo
Error a evitar
Se hace notar, contradice al vendedor por ser conocedor.
Escúchelo, acepte sus opiniones, sea paciente y atento.
No lo contradiga ni haga enojar.
Impaciente y agitado: mira mucho el reloj.
Atento a su pedido, no de más de tres opciones del producto. Sea rápido.
No lo interrumpa, sea breve y seguro de sí mismo.
Parece tener todo el tiempo del mundo al hablar, moverse y comer.
Calma, repita descripciones las veces necesarias.
Evite ser brusco y no lo presione. Sea paciente.
Parece ser nuevo en el lugar o no ser de la localidad.
Demuestre confianza en usted y el producto, dele información abundante pero sencilla.
No pregunte mucho.
Discute, exige razones, habla fuerte, es sarcástico y está descontento.
Conserve la calma ye l buen humor dejándolo hablar con paciencia.
No se tome personal sus sarcasmos y no discuta, prométale atender sus reclamos.
Ausente, parece no escuchar.
Demuéstrele interés y curiosidad, sea hábil y concéntrese.
No interrumpa las descripciones de venta.
Parece no entender y apenas contesta. Es tímido y desconfiado.
Busque respuestas afirmativas, explique el menú en forma distinta.
No eleve la voz al repetir, sea breve.
Charlatán que no siempre consume.
Escúchelo con simpatía pero sea comerciante.
Evite discutir asuntos personales.
Necesita opiniones de terceros para decir que ordenar.
De consejos e información que le hagan descubrir su necesidad.
No abandone al cliente.


lunes, 15 de febrero de 2016




Book: Gung ho!
Authors: Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles
Story told by: Peggy Sinclair
Main theme: how to get the maximum potential of people  Dedicated: By a promise to the memory of his beloved wife, Jean, and his son Robert, Andrew Charles Longclaw (1940-1994); (Died tragically in September 1965)


Reflective Reading

This book is about introduce a strategy based on a fable of the natural behavior of three wild animals in comparison with employees of an organization.

It all starts with the spirit of the squirrel, after Beaver style and finally the gift of goose. According to the author, if they are met and you will reach the State metaphoric of Gung Ho, which is nothing more than the ability to combine the style of life of these animals, can be achieved in the growth of the work environment in terms of the environment and the production of employees within the company; in other words is a human resource management strategy.

Analysis of the book

Workers should be considered members of the team and not employed.

Is healthy to have uniforms clean, striking and appropriate depending on the job. Is organizing work and place notices of mood, pictures, graphic production, and billboards of progress, all positive in order to motivate the staff, every second more even if the atmosphere is heavy product of the organization type where is this working; example a factory or a cuisine, these are examples of environments under stress and pressure. In a work environment it is very important, so people are happy and there are more production.

Managers or anytop they must not have racism and underestimate the knowledge or abilities of persons by any other than the group as a religion feature, social status, race or sex.

Narrow minds live in a narrow world, it is that we must think out of the box, and have open mind. We must never believe something impossible, we must also be open for moments, people or thingsunexpected, because all around can teach us something new; this is part of being a good leader.

As lead s we also have to make decisions, be strong and decisions with them. Example text... "To times the only way to change to a managers is changing it". This is to say that although we recognize a leader because it is humanitarian, listen to his followers and motivates, also should know to handle situations and show hand hard when it is necessary, to get the proper respect. "Sometimes we make decisions that seem crazy after a while, but it is important that if you have strong reasons why we decided that we must be firm and continue.

Textual: squirrels were intervals 00:03:50min. In one hour about 16 trips, filling up the cheeks and a pprocess of go and return.

Because they work so the squirrels?

If you find the answer, you will understand the spirit of the squirrel.

They work hard because they are motivated.

But because they are motivated? Because if not stored their food now they won't have anything for winter and starve.

It is already beginning to understand... They are motivated because his work is important, more q that is worth the sacrifice.

"The spirit that is worth".

There are three lessons: 1. the work must be seen as something important 2. It should be a group goal and 3. The values should guide all plans, decisions, and actions. This makes the work worth, begins to be important because it is a necessity but is worthwhile when it understands that its work complemented something and makes a contribution to make this world a better place to live, i.e. who feel that they leave a footprint somewhere.

Many times we think that our work is not important or not helps nothing to humanity, but we should see or explain to our partners always do this in God's plan and it is necessary for someone so it is important. As much as we expect it after that it is honest work nothing is insignificant, although we have to look at it from the human point of view.

We must feel and make you feel that we are important, that we are worth as human beings not only in the work if not at home, the community and wherever we are.

There can be no work that worth if everyone does not collaborate to achieve a clear and shared goal to make it all look somehow benefited and are proud. Organizations think that they share goals with putting them into the wall or say them in meetings but if you fail that the team undertakes not is a shared goal or an incentive.

Goals are taken place space that unites what needs or the place where this and what you want or the place where you want to go.

We must not think only of ourselves and be like Chipmunks fleeing a hawk if not to save, first thing is screaming to be alarmed and that others can be saved and finally try to escape...

On the other hand, e l style of Beaver, exercise control over the fulfillment of the goals. Each Beaver has a high degree of control over their own destiny. After you have the spirit of the squirrel: set goals, we must enforce them and should be developed in the best way or that what you want to, but not achieve if there is always heads that force and require, by otherwise managers must be leaders than to see how good en the nature of people guided them to make it in practice and develop their skills to the maximum, they must give space to make their decisions about what do and crack because they make them.

The important thing is to have well set goals, they all understand them and propose rules which can be reached so that the leader can release them confidence knowing that they won't break the rules.

A leader should not appear eager to interfere, must provide all the resources so that employees can navigate.

The metaphor of the squirrel teaches the relationship with society and the Beaver with the individual, that is the individual with the Organization and vice versa.

The leading way shouldis subtle, make clear that it is the Guide because it is unpleasant that everyone want to be heads and send.

It is important to know that each who is good for something and something is there in that moment; is you cannot require people over its limit of capacity and development, clearly without belittling or acquit their responsibilities, should be rather discover their innate abilities of each and place them in the right place.

Partners in an organization must give them challenges that feel pricewithout abuse, and feel that they do things for something, people by nature Les like unconsciously that seal them, that challenge them. The more feel that money is earned by almost nothing lazier and with few expectations become, much to the contrary spectativs of the organization.

The gift of the goose, "gift from God which we mutually”. It is the way of giving life to mission, put enthusiasm to everything we do, encourage that more need it.

Not only the leader should motivate,all members must do so and if sometime not he can congratulate one because it does so well, we must show support and encourage him to do better. Because even though earnings are important to meet our needs human, a greeting gives sense sentimental everything and pushes you to follow.                                                                                                       

Congratulations must be timely, in response to something specific, unconditional and enthusiastic, so really it is a greeting sincere and true; and never is it exaggerated. A good greeting must be spontaneous rather than programmed, must be single, better that collectively, it must be specific and not general, and finally are better only than conventional.

Conclution of the analysis

As individuals, as parts of a team, community, managers or leaders, we must you have strategies that allow us to give, organize, manage and rating actions we do.

An example of strategy to achieve this is Gung Ho, to apply it in our personal or professional lives, we must not choose one of these animals as an example to follow if not combine their teachings to achieve the State metaphoric of Gung Ho. We must be always persevere, take our own decisions and be an example to others that, at some point, need inspiration.

This book leaves many guidelines for reflection, as future managers, we must take into consideration throughout our life. 


Resultado de imagen para restaurante la huaca hotel azuero

Analysis of the visit

It visited the restaurant La Huaca, the Gran Hotel Azuero; located in the city of Chitré, Herrera Province. It was a dinner for two ladies, on Thursday 11 of February this year, during business hours 8:00 to 10:00 approximately.                                                                                    
    The restaurant was decorated according to the theme, it has a capacity of 50 seats and a terrace room for 20 approximately. Maintain an environment simple, nice and neutral; so much for adults as a family (children).
At the time of the visit this mantenia a 35% of its capacity between its divisions and 3 tables reserved. They collaborated in the area of the lounge and the terrace approximately 6 members. 
On this occasion, at the time of evaluation; is finest that the evening was very good, without in-depth food which was excellent. The service can be better by some details listed above in the evaluation. 

We highlight that they failed in 12 of 101 parameters of standardization of service, reflecting a percentage of 87% in favor. So it can be conclude that if they improve would be a destination interiorano gastronomic excellence. 


Beefeater Restaurant Programme




(By Melissa Chu and Richard Díaz)

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Five Thinks that make good employees leave


Fear To Passionates

Wrong Promotion


                         Lack Of Commitment


Surviving the shortage of qualified staff
The shortage of skilled workers has led to Panamanian companies to be creative at the time of hiring.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Companies face the need for skilled labor resorting to agreements with other companies to share staff, give incentives to employees who submit to others who can fill the empty vacancies and even detain staff who has retired on his return. review, "and everything is due to the shortage of skilled labor that exists in the country, reiterated the Services Manager of" PriceWaterhouse Coopers , Jaime Bocanegra .

As well as professionals with doctorate and master's degree, requires skilled workers as drivers of trucks, mechanics, electricians, masons, painters, welders, among others.

The country's Manpower, Yohana Ycaza, Manager said that the  labor " qualified remains the weak point of the country to meet the needs of employers."
Sobreviviendo a la escasez de personal calificado
La escasez de mano de obra calificada ha llevado a las empresas panameñas a ser creativas al momento de contratar personal.
Martes 19 de Julio de 2011
Las empresas ante la necesidad de mano de obra calificada recurren a acuerdos con otras empresas para compartir el personal, otorgan incentivos a los empleados que presenten a otros que puedan ocupar las vacantes vacías e incluso retienen en su planilla al personal que se ha jubilado. reseña, "Y todo obedece a la escasez de mano de obra calificada que existe en el país, reiteró el gerente de servicios de PriceWaterhouse Coopers, Jaime Bocanegra.

Además de profesionales con doctorado y maestría, se requieren trabajadores calificados como choferes de camiones, mecánicos, electricistas, albañiles, pintores, soldadores, entre otros.

La gerente de país de Manpower, Yohana Ycaza, afirmó que la mano de obra calificada sigue siendo el punto débil del país para responder a la necesidad de los empleadores.


A. Name 3 strategies used by local companies to supply qualified work force in Panama?

1. The organization make agrement withe other organization for share employers.
2. the companies provide in centives for employers to submit to other partners who can fill the empty seats.
3. Retained in its workforce to pardon the retiree.

B. Why are not the most of vacanties filled by locals in Panama?


 1. Today companies are looking for hand work qualified and supported to ensure the work efficiency.


  1. OverworkingEl Exceso De Trabajo
  2. Fear To PassionateEl Miedo A La Pasión
  3. Wrong PromotionPromoción Equivocada
  4. UnderestimationSubestimación
  5. Lack Of CommitmentFalta De Compromiso
