martes, 26 de enero de 2016




  • Waiters
  • Cooks
  • Store Clerk
  • Others

  • Factories and equipment
  • Mobiliary
  • Batters
  • Weights
  • Shelves
  • Others

  • Budget
  • Credits (bank / Supplies)
  • Cash


  • Recipes
  • Service Standards
  • Training Plan
  • Software and Hardware

*Organisation,  for an administrator, also understood as: the allocation of resources to their employees as (salary, organization of schedules, office supplies, etc.)


  • Selfmanager = Autogerencia
  • Briefing = Reunión Breve
  • Waiters = camareros
  • Cooks = cocineros
  • Store Clerk = Almacenista
  • Mobiliary = Mobiliario
  • Batters = Batidoras
  • Weights = Pesas
  • Shelves = Estanteria
  • Budget = Presupuesto
  • Credits (bank / Supplies) = Ceditos (Banco/Proveedores)
  • Cash = Efectivo / Caja
  • Recipes = Recetas
  • Service Standards = Estandar de Servicio
  • Training Plan = Plan de Entretenimiento
  •  = Promedio
  •  check = cheque Promedio

martes, 19 de enero de 2016



(By Joseph Yanez and Me)

Introduction of the topic

In our research, we discovered two similar applications and very interesting:
1.       Shopping leeks (search in spanish, lista de compra para restaurantes)
2.       Food planner

Food planner is interesting and useful, it's create recipes with ingredients and steps, it can be synchronized with other devices in real time, it creates list of things needed to make orders and is very practical to share with all the colabroradores.

Explanation of the topic

We chose Shopping leeks, because it is more practical, and direct.
He is a manager of orders for the hospitality world that lets you remember and simplify the task of inventories and orders.

u Is an application created for better communication between responsible restaurant and providers
u Creates list of products with code, photo, provider, unit, category, price and description.
u Creates list of suppliers, product categories and keeps bills organized.
u Sends notifications
u Send orders by email or whatsapp
u Multiuser;  corordinates: cooks, waiters, managers, etc.

Shoping leeks translated into Spanish is purchased leeks or purchase of leeks, why the icon from another perspective is a cut of Leek.

Motivation of the Group
Using the application in the class in real time.

Question of the day

Do you think that it would be useful for a manager of A & B? 


My companion and I successfully presented the Assembly of today;
We started giving a short introduction and compare the two App with different logos and their advantages in a banner that we stick on the wall, since they are very similar and with a                         high-performance in the F&B management.

Then we went to explain the real-time application on the computer in the living room, we had some technical problems (internet), but we were able to present it at the right time and according to plan. 
Finally we did the big question Do you think that it would be useful for a manager of A & B? 

The teacher and some classmates shared their point of view, between some comments highlighted that you impressed them, others questioned this safe was in terms of privacy and other gave tips as "is good to have on hand applications of this type that will allow you to make the most of your time and have everything under control;" May we remark that technology as a tool is excellent, nevertheless just in case of failure, we should manage tasks by hand."

As a recommendation, we said that this or any application that we use with such delicate activities as the inventory, make shopping list, send request to suppliers or other essential task, must ensure by other means, as future managers of food and beverage; and as said our colleague we must learn all the old (all manual) and after incorporate the latest technology to make our life easier.




Traditional Boss Vs Innovative Leader


Beefeater Restaurant Programme

In this PC simulation, Beefeater confronts teams with the challenges involved in growing a multiple consumer retailing business over as much as 10 years. At first, there is considerable undeveloped opportunity, but as restaurant numbers grow, it becomes increasingly difficult to drive further growth. Teams will gain valuable insight into important issues common to other business situations, such as:

  • Building and maintaining a strong reputation with customers, based on high quality product and service,
  • Driving growth through expansion in a large but limited market, when profitable growth becomes increasingly hard to find,
  • Coping with the conflict between the need to improve customer service whilst at the same time limiting costs so as to give investors a financial return,
  • [Optionally] driving quickly to exploit the opportunity for sales and profits in the limited market, against a determined competitor,

The Beefeater business simulation allows teams to tackle these issues from several different starting situations – a business that is already growing fast, another that must be rescued from disaster, or the challenge of chasing a rival who started to develop their business and exploit the market before you.


Managers develop leadership skills



This cycle helps in the work of a manager F&B


A good advice today...

You want to be a manager F&B?

Dress properly!!

martes, 12 de enero de 2016




 see more -->
Basic qualities of a food and Beverage Manager

(See more:



(By Francisco Muñoz)

Our teacher explains the importance of food and because Mexican food is important to him.


The Re-Solver 2016

2 Things you learned the past subject...
0 Incidence activity for this term...
1 Thing you hope to learn in this subject...
6 Things that give you hope for the new year...


  • Leadership = Liderar
  • Manager = Administrador / Gerente
  • Entrepreneurs = Emprendedor
  • Chinaware = Loza
  • Term = Cuatrimestre
  • Subject = Materia
  • Assembly = Asamblea
